Order Throttling

Toy Peterson



If you are processing online orders, we all know at one time or another the kitchen can get backed up if too many orders are firing off in the kitchen. It can be challenging processing your walk-in customers and the online customers. Order Throttling is the feature that might work for you! What is Order Throttling? This is a feature that evaluates the total make time of all orders in a specified time period and allows restaurants to cap the total number of make time minutes for all orders.


You must submit a Help Desk ticket for us to turn this feature on for you. Turning on the option is done within 3 minutes or less! This is helpful, in case you are having an extremely busy day! Once the option is turned on, you will edit the options you see below. Below is an example for another restaurant. You are able to fill in whatever numbers you think works best for your business.


Configuring Order Throttling


  1. In CCP navigate to: Online Ordering -> Ordering Settings



  1. There are three rules that can be applied for order throttling. a. Increase Takeout Time and/or Delivery Time. b. Suspend online ordering if orders in progress exceeds X. c. Suspend online ordering if more than X orders received within last Y time.
  2. To set the Increase Takeout Time and/or Delivery time rule: a. Select checkbox next to rule, b. Set the orders in progress threshold, c. Choose what action to take when orders in progress exceed the threshold, NOTE: You can choose either to Increase Delivery Time, Increase Takeout Time, or both. d. Set the number of minutes to increase the selected time (i.e., Delivery and/or Takeout), e. Click ‘Save’ to apply the rule.

    NOTE: For every X orders in progress the selected time(s) will be increased. So for the example in Figure 2, when there are 1-5 orders in progress, the system will use the configured Delivery Time and configured Takeout Time. When there are 6-10 orders in progress, the system will increment the Delivery Time and Takeout Time by 10 minutes. When there are 10-14 orders in progress, the system will increment the configured Delivery Time and Takeout Time by 20 minutes each. And so forth.

    NOTE: Inversely, as the number or orders in progress drops, the incremented Delivery Time and Takeout Time will drop back to their original settings.

    NOTE: ‘In Progress’ are the orders that in the timeframe between Takeout time and Ready at time. Example: Takeout time: 20 mins Ready at time: 07:00 PM Order will have ‘In Progress’ status from 06:40 PM to 07:00 PM. And only in this timeframe users will be notified about increased Takeout / Delivery time. 5. To set the Suspend online ordering if orders in progress exceeds X rule: a. Select the checkbox next to the rule, b. Set the threshold for the maximum number or orders you want to have in progress.

    NOTE: When the maximum threshold is met for this rule, online ordering will be suspended, and ordering customers will receive a message that ordering is suspended. c. Set the threshold for when you wish online ordering to resume. NOTE: This threshold, when reached, will cause online ordering to start up again. Typically, you would set this at a smaller number than the maximum threshold. d. Click ‘Save’ to apply the rule.


  1. To enable the “Suspend online ordering if more than X orders received within last Y time” rule: a. Select checkbox next to rule, b. Set the threshold for the maximum number of orders you want to receive within a specific timeframe, NOTE: For example, you may only want to handle 10 orders every 5 minutes. c. Set the timeframe, d. Set the timeframe for resuming ordering, e. Set the threshold you wish to resume taking online orders, NOTE: For example, you may not want to resume online orders until there have been fewer than 5 orders in the last five minutes. f. Click ‘Save’ to apply rule.

    NOTE: You may apply one, two, or all three rules at once; although, it is recommended that you only start out with one and add the others if necessary.

    NOTE: If every you want to immediately disable a rule (e.g., online ordering is suspended, but you do not want to wait for the resume threshold to be met), simply deselect the rule and click ‘Save”. Then when the orders drop below your desired thresholds, you may once again enable the rule.





















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