Marketing Notification Set Up Guide

Toy Peterson

The notifications page is the home base for you to manage email and push notifications you want to send out to your customer base.

At the top of the page you will see a button labeled create. This will bring you to the page where you will configure your individual notifications. The following will explain each field on this page and how you can configure it send the exact notification you desire. 

Title: Here you will label the title of your notification to help you manage your templates. This title will not be visible to your customers, it is there for organizational purposes only.

Notification Type: This field will offer you two choices. Either push notification or email. Push notifications will be sent directly to your mobile app users who have opted in to receive push message, and emails will be sent directly to the members who have emails listed on their profile's.

Recipients: The recipients field is where you can customizing which customers will be receiving this notification. You have 2 options, select all members or select a subset of your member list through "recipient lists". If you choose "select users" you can either create a new recipient list or select from an existing list.

Email Subject: This is only visible when the Notification type is "Email" and will be the subject that the member receives in their inbox on the email notification. 

Message: In this space is where you will type the message that will show up to the customer when they receive the notification.

Type: There are two options to choose from:
    - Recurring which means that it will be an notification that will be sent multiple times (at a set interval of your choice). 
     - One Time which is a one time notification that will not occur again.

Starting: This is where you will put in the date you wish for your first (or only) notification to go out to the customer base.

Ending: This field is only visible if it is a reoccurring notification, if so you would enter in the date you wish for it to end or you can choose never for an open ended notification.

Time Zone: The timezone that you wish to send the notification in. Example: If you choose 2:30 for the starting time, it will go out at 2:30 Eastern if you select the Eastern timezone.




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